Fritz Heitz
Dr Fritz Heitz completed his BDSc (WA) in 1990, and his MDSc in Periodontology (University of Melbourne) in 2000. After a further 3 years postgraduate study at the University of Berne, Switzerland, he received a Diploma in Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (MAS). In 2003 he also was awarded a certificate in Oral Histopathology from the University of Copenhagen. In 2006 a Dr med. dent. was awarded from the University of Berne for his thesis on post operative wound care. He has contributed to a number of international courses teaching periodontology and implant dentistry, as well as publishing several research papers in the field. He has been a Fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI) since 2003. He is Past President of the Australian Society of Periodontology; past president of the Dental Study Group of Western Australia, and of the Australian Society of Periodontology (WA Branch); ITI Study Club Director Perth West; ITI Regional Coordinator WA; ITI Study Club Coordinator Australasia;  Fellow Academy of Dentistry International; Fellow of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
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